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Webcast: FRTB - Non-modellable Risk Factors: Stress Scenario Risk Management

Speaker: Dr Simon Acomb

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A course on this topic is available in London Time Zone, New York Time Zone and Singapore Time Zone

Webcast Agenda

  • An introduction to the concept of non-modellable risk factors and the role that they play in the internal model approach to market risk capital
  • Discussion of the latest proposal from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and how it will change the definition of non-modellable risk
  • A review of the proposal from the European Banking Authority on how to construct stress scenarios to capitalise non-modellable risk

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how the choices made in building an internal model impacts effect the number of non-modellable risk factors, and hence change market risk capital
  • Learn how the latest proposals from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision will broaden the concept of modellable risk, and how banks can best take advantage of this proposed change
  • Understand the concepts behind the latest proposal from the European Banking Authority on how to calculate the non-modellable risk factor stress scenario risk measure


LFS offers the 2-day 'Fundamental Review of the Trading Book' programme with Dr Simon Acomb in London, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Hong Kong and Singapore.

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